Monday, January 19, 2009

Some Pics from the 1950's

Some reasons to go back to the 1950's !!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What We Really MIss About the 1950's By Stephanie Coontz

Ms. Coontz does a alot of research in this article. She exposes alot of information and did some in-depth analyzing of number from different time periods of the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and even up into the 90's.

Something unique about her research is that she seems to be looking for the real reason one may miss the 1950's or is just a cliche because it is a time period that people who lived during those times had fun, times were great, the money was good, the war was over America was thriving and prospering.

Coontz could also be asking a question why would you want to go back to the 50's? Were the times that good? Did we really have that great? This being the results of her research, she is like laying all the numbers on the table and saying here are your 1950's, were they that good?

What i find interesting is that we have a nostalgia for some time in our life that was enjoyable and memorable. I think we find that most often our younger days have more meaning and set us up for who we are going to be in life and when our lives do not turn out how we expected or we just run into old friends and we get to thinking about how swell our lives were back then and wish we could go back and relive those magical moments again.

Looking for Work by Gary Soto

Looking for Work by Gary Soto captures everyone dreams in American. The dream of living in a beautiful house in a suburb, with green grass, 2 cars in the drive way and a white picket fence out front. He uses the analogy of a Tv show to bring his point across.

Mr. Soto writes this short story from the eyes of a nine year old mexican american and all he wants is the perfect family so everyone will like them. He writes the story with great detail describing a day in the life of this young boy who is seeking to become rich.

There is alot foreground culture built into this story. You know from the story that this young boy lives in a pretty okay neighborhood and that it it not Beverly Hills but it seems to be a okay area. He goes and does odd jobs for the neighbors and he seems to be accepted by the adults. You know he is a mexican - american and he is spiritual. The boy is kind, sharing and concerned for the welfare of others.

You know from reading this story I see alot of what everyone wants. Not just a mexican - american boy who goes out to do odd jobs or take his sister swimming but entire nation. We are all fed this idealistic world out there by what we see on tv and in the media. We set our selfs up in society for this and structure ourselves socially so that we can all dream for the better.

A few things I found interesting is that he never spoke of his father and what he did for a living, just what all the neighbors do. He does mention his mother a couple times and it seems she is the one runs the household but this would be typical for the time period this young boy grew up in and that the father worked and that is all he did and the mother was the one to take of all the things in the house and kids.

Below is a what a house in a working clas neighborhood may have looked like in the 1950's

Political Cartoons I might use for my paper.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Introduction to Rereading America

What it means to be American Citizen? It means the world is at your finger tips, we have the ability to achieve some many things in life. We have the ability to express ourselves and our believes in so many ways. We enjoy so many freedoms unlike so many third world country's where one could be killed for just mocking a leader or showing her face so that everyone can see the beauty in her smile. We can dress how we like, we can cheer for our favorite hometown team, and we have the right to vote for a president that will forever change history for a race of people. This is what it means to be an American citizen.

This book will open my eyes and my mind to more critical thinking and expression. I have know i have limited writing abilities but I hope to free my thoughts more openly and write creatively. I look forward to learning more in this class and allowing myself the challenge of thinking more critically.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome to my new Blog

Well tonight I had my first English 2010 class and it was alot different than I thought it was going to be. When I entered the class room full of computers, I thought I was in the wrong room as did most of the students. It was very interesting to learn that we would be in a class that was being video broadcast to a remote class room in Hurricane Utah.

I think that I will enjoy this class and it seems it will offer some new challenges to my college experience. The idea of working in groups to create a project that will be presented to the whole class at the end of the semester seems frightening to me, I think I will stand to the challenge and make the most of it.