What it means to be American Citizen? It means the world is at your finger tips, we have the ability to achieve some many things in life. We have the ability to express ourselves and our believes in so many ways. We enjoy so many freedoms unlike so many third world country's where one could be killed for just mocking a leader or showing her face so that everyone can see the beauty in her smile. We can dress how we like, we can cheer for our favorite hometown team, and we have the right to vote for a president that will forever change history for a race of people. This is what it means to be an American citizen.
This book will open my eyes and my mind to more critical thinking and expression. I have know i have limited writing abilities but I hope to free my thoughts more openly and write creatively. I look forward to learning more in this class and allowing myself the challenge of thinking more critically.
Road Builders Epub-Ebook
5 years ago
I think your response is very well put. And it made me think of how sometimes we take being an american citizen for granted. How lucky we are to have been born here and freedom that we have.